I have always been active in blogging, and throughout my career in Microsoft, I posted quite a few of my learnings at Microsoft Blogs. When I left Microsoft back at the end of 2018 and joined Alsid I needed to find a new home. At the same time, I have also started to move my blogs from MSDN over to Github Pages slowly, as Microsoft was at that time was decomissioning MSDN blogs. Eventually it was moved to Archive, which you can still access here.

I have been looking at different options to host my blog, from fully managed sites like Medium, or Blogspot to blog CMS like Ghost or Wordpress, the problem with these options is that they are well established. As I was quiting my job as a field engineer in Microsoft and joining a cybersecurity company, I am looking for something a little bit different which could keep my mind sharp in software development and devops.

Github pages

Finnaly settled down with Github Pages. Simply put, this Github Pages and Jekyll allow me to continue to write blogs with minimal (almost none) cost while giving me full control of my contents. Most importantly, I can now write my entries using tools that I like.